Noah's Glen Animal Hospital

3697 Main Street
Morgantown, PA, PA 19475


- 03/30/2019

You Floor Me! Part 2 Shhh...listen...did you hear that? Maybe it's the waves on the walls or the shiny new ocean floor playing tricks on me but I could have sworn I heard a seagull. No, not the ones that hang out in WalMart's parking lot trying to bum a ride...I'm talkin' a REAL sea breeze surfing, french fry stealing, little kid chasing, sweetly chirping sea gull! Maybe the sound is coming from back in the treatment area...(gasp!!) Grass! I mean, I know it's epoxy but it looks like grass - Glen Green grass!! Bow WOW! My furry little feet can scurry all over this place...and no grass stains! I L-U-V love it! Javier!? Can you believe this place!? Hey, Javier! Get off that surfboard and c' gotta see this...and stop calling me "dude"! CLICK HERE to watch You Floor Me! Part 2

- 03/16/2019

You Floor Me! Part 1 Ok, folks...I think we're finally hitting the home stretch here! Cabinetry is...well, let's not go there, but...Guess what!? Guess what!? Guess what!? It's time for the floors to be installed. Yay! I am sooo excited! After months of cold, dusty concrete, I will soon get to trot my furry paws 🐾 on a brand spankin' new, paw friendly floor! Joe, Dale and Craig are working day and night - even Saturday and Sunday - to get it done. Thanks guys!! ❤❤❤ I offered to help but apparently Scottie feetsies, floor epoxy and 6 different colored flakes are a recipe for what they call a "disaster". ☠ 🌪I call it a rippin' good time! C'mon Javier 🐭 - let's show these guys how it's done! One small pawprint for us, one giant, (permanent unfixable) pawprint for all time! CLICK HERE to watch GraemeCam: You Floor Me!

- 03/02/2019

Ark! The Aaron angels sing! Ahoy, mateys! It's finally here! The icing on the cake...the pièce de résistance...the ark, aka the reception desk! OOH! AAH! And while Aaron and his crew have been busy making the ark, Mike and I have been making, really. After all the ups and downs of painting hills and glens, now it's time for some peaceful, relaxing waves.🌊  How else are we gonna keep the ark afloat? In other news, the cabinetry arrived - well, kinda - at least some of it arrived. The rest is, well...let's just say we're working on "Cabinetry: Take 2". And hey, is that artificial turf I saw in the dog runs!? It is!! Warm sunlight, green cozy grass to roll and sleep on - it's like I'm outside even though I'm really inside. This place is gonna be awesome! CLICK HERE to watch GraemeCam: Ark! The Aaron angels sing!

- 02/16/2019

🎵 The Hills are alive with the sound of...someone saying, "Hey, how many of these bloomin' hills do I have to paint, anyway?" 🌄But Maria , I mean Mike, you're doing such a fantastic job! Best indoor glen EVER! It's so...what's the word I'm looking for..."Restful". And, and, is that a rainbow🌈? It is! Oooo, pretty! But don't just take my word for it. Javier, what do you think? Well, I'm only the mouse that lives in the attic and sneaks down to steal chocolate🍬 , but I like it! It's so...what's the word I'm looking for..."Restful".🐭 CLICK HERE to watch GraemeCam: The Hills are alive!

- 02/03/2019

What say we paint the town!? Or at least the Glen...C'mon! I'm primed and ready to go! Latex, epoxy, semi-gloss, brushes, rollers - I know it all - go ahead, ask me something! Maybe it's the paint fumes talking here, but I am kinda digging this part. Oh, and the scaffolding? Pfft. Please. I am up it like a squirrel up a tree! Made it Ma - top of the world! Now if I can just get my paws on that paint sprayer gizmo, we can really paaartay! CLICK HERE to watch GraemeCam: Paint the town