3697 MAIN STREET MORGANTOWN PA 19543 610-286-0116 |
"There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea but the best ships are friendships. May they always be."
-Irish Proverb
Wellness Care
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". We have all heard that old adage before but at Noah's Glen, we believe it is true. We also believe, however, that vaccinations, parasite preventatives and laboratory testing are not “one size fits all”. That’s why our healthcare recommendations and preventive care programs are tailored to each patient individually based on a personalized risk assessment, the most up-to date medical knowledge and current standards of care. You, as the pet parent, are an integral part of this process! We know you want the best for your pets. We know you want them to live long, happy, healthy lives. It's our job to help you achieve this. These are some of the tools we use:
Preventive Care Plans
Best friends deserve best medicine. You deserve to have that care be affordable. That's what preventive care plans are all about - healthcare on time for your pets with payments over time for you. Routine wellness exams, vaccinations, laboratory screening tests and preventative medications - all can be included, all specially priced and all tailored to your pet's individual needs based on age, overall health and lifestyle. We even have plans that include sick visits, just in case. What to know more? Give us a call or stop in and ask to speak with someone about keeping both your buddy and your bank account happy and healthy!
Health Certificates (Certificates of Veterinary Inspection)
Plan on traveling with your pet nationally or internationally? Whether by plane, train or automobile you will most likely need an official document known as a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI). Many states and countries have very stringent requirements when it comes to traveling with, sending or receiving pets and other animals. The process of securing a CVI frequently must begin months before your planned departure date. Failure to do so can result in your pet being quarantined or refused travel privileges altogether! Sound complicated? It can be, but we simplify the process by doing all the hard work for you! Dr. Pat can’t pack your suitcase, but she is nationally accredited by the USDA to perform the necessary examinations, administer the appropriate vaccinations/parasite treatments and facilitate completion of all the paperwork red tape. Need a CVI? Give us a call today to get the process started-the sooner the better-and don’t forget to send us a postcard! |